Providing a creation factory
With OSLC you can allow people to create bugs via Delegated UI; however, like all UI approaches, an actual human user must be involved. What if you want to support automated bug creation; for example, enabling a build server to automatically create a bug whenever there is a test or a build failure?
To allow clients to create new bugs automatically, you need to support an OSLC Creation Factory as described in the OSLC Core specification.
Adding a method to the adapter to create BugzillaChangeRequests via HTTP POST
Recall that when we created a delegated UI for creating new bugs, we wrote code in the BugzillaManager class to use the j2bugzilla API for creation of bugs; we’ll re-use the createBug()
method for automated bug creation via POST.
Adding the Creation Factory to Service Provider documents
Open the file
in the package.
First search for the @OslcCreationFactory
title = "Change Request Creation Factory",
label = "Change Request Creation",
resourceShapes = {OslcConstants.PATH_RESOURCE_SHAPES + "/" + Constants.PATH_CHANGE_REQUEST},
resourceTypes = {Constants.TYPE_CHANGE_REQUEST},
usages = {OslcConstants.OSLC_USAGE_DEFAULT}
Notice that we've specified a resourceShapes
location; we'll cover that in more detail below.
As with our other services, OSLC4J uses this annotation and automatically adds the URI for the creation factory to our XML and JSON Service Provider documents. (You will have to manually add it to the serviceprovider_html.jsp
template to add it to the HTML representation.)
Because we haven't set any different path, the creation factory will be available at the root path of our BugzillaChangeRequestService class which is {productId}/changeRequests
. For example, if your adapter is running at localhost:8080
and the product ID is 1
, the creation factory will be at the following URL:
Our adapter recognizes that you are invoking the Creation Factory (instead of requesting a listing of bugs) if you request that URL using HTTP POST (instead of GET).
Handling BugzillaChangeRequests received via POST
, search for the the addChangeRequest()
method. Note the JAX-RS annotations:
The @Consumes
annotation indicates that the method accepts a BugzillaChangeRequest in RDF/XML, XML, or JSON format; the @Produces
annotation indicates that it will return the same.
The following code in the addChangeRequest()
method creates a new Bugzilla bug from an OSLC BugzillaChangeRequest object (using the previously discussed createBug()
final String newBugId = BugzillaManager.createBug(httpServletRequest,
changeRequest, productId);
Next, we convert the bug into a BugzillaChangeRequest:
final Bug newBug = BugzillaManager.getBugById(httpServletRequest,
BugzillaChangeRequest newChangeRequest;
try {
newChangeRequest = BugzillaChangeRequest.fromBug(newBug);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
Then we return the new BugzillaChangeRequest as the body of a POST response:
URI about = getAboutURI(productId + "/changeRequests/" + newChangeRequest.getIdentifier());
ServiceProviderCatalogSingleton.getServiceProvider(httpServletRequest, productId).getAbout());
setETagHeader(getETagFromChangeRequest(newChangeRequest), httpServletResponse);
return Response.created(about).entity(changeRequest).build();
Note that we set the Location
header (via Response.created()
) to the about
URI for the new BugzillaChangeRequest; this is a SHOULD requirement of the Core specification.
Try it out!
If you can create new bugs on your Bugzilla application, you should be able to create a bug via HTTP to our adapter.
In Firefox or Chrome, open the Poster plugin.
In the URL field, type the URL for the Creation Factory (replace {ProductID} with a valid ID for a Bugzilla product):
In the User Auth fields, type your Bugzilla username and password.
On the Headers tab, for the Name type
and for the Value typeapplication/rdf+xml
In the Body field enter the following example RDF/XML content. Change
to reflect your Bugzilla login/email; you might have to change some values depending on how your Bugzilla product has been configured, specificallybugz:operatingSystem
.<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:oslc="" xmlns:bugz="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:oslc_cm=""> <oslc_cm:ChangeRequest> <bugz:operatingSystem>Linux</bugz:operatingSystem> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <oslc_cm:status>NEW</oslc_cm:status> <bugz:priority>---</bugz:priority> <dcterms:title>New bug entered from OSLC Adapter</dcterms:title> <bugz:version>unspecified</bugz:version> <bugz:platform>PC</bugz:platform> <dcterms:contributor> <foaf:Person rdf:about="http://oslc:8080/OSLC4JBugzilla/person?"> <foaf:mbox></foaf:mbox> </foaf:Person> </dcterms:contributor> <bugz:component>Server</bugz:component> <oslc_cm:severity>Unclassified</oslc_cm:severity> </oslc_cm:ChangeRequest> </rdf:RDF>
Click Post to execute the HTTP POST method. You should receive a 201 Created status header and the response body should contain the RDF/XML BugzillaChangeRequest representation of the new bug.
Providing a ResourceShape document
To make it possible for client programs to automatically determine which BugzillaChangeRequest fields are required and the allowed values for those fields, we should provide a Resource Shape for every creation factory.
Resource Shapes are descriptive documents that define the set of OSLC Properties expected in a resource for specific operations (i.e. creation, update or query) along with the value types, allowed values, cardinality and optionality of each OSLC property. A client can use this information when creating new resources.
Fortunately, OSLC4J automates the creation of Resource Shape documents from our existing description of a BugzillaChangeRequest. All we must do is declare the location in our @OslcCreationFactory
resourceShapes = {OslcConstants.PATH_RESOURCE_SHAPES + "/" + Constants.PATH_CHANGE_REQUEST}
Which indicates the resource shape will be located at the URI resourceShapes/changeRequest
. For example if your Bugzilla adapter is running at localhost:8080
, the Resource Shape will be available at this URL:
You can open http://localhost:8080/OSLC4JBugzilla/services/resourceShapes/changeRequest in a browser to view the Resource Shape as an RDF/XML document. You can also use Postman, Insomnia, or another REST client with an Accept
header of application/json
to retrieve it in JSON format.
Note that the document includes not only OSLC CM properties such as relatedChangeRequest
or inprogress
, but also Bugzilla-specific properties like priority
and version
; this indicates it was assembled from our BugzillaChangeRequest class.
Because these documents are not really meant to be human-readable, you don't have to build a HTML representation in a JSP template as we have for other resources.
Wrapping up
Our Bugzilla adapter now allows Bugzilla to be a reasonably complete OSLC CM provider application. In the next section, we'll take a different application (NinaCRM) and extend it to be an OSLC consumer that can take advantage of all the work we've done here.