Providing a delegated UI for creating bugs
Providing a delegated user interface (UI) dialog for creating new resources is similar to the process for providing one for selecting existing resources: we must create an HTML Form, the fields within that form, and then set up the server-side handling of the form submission.
Here's the plan:
- Add the location of our delegated UI to our Service Provider representations
- Create a utility method that accepts a BugzillaChangeRequest and creates a bug in Bugzilla
- Create a service to handle requests to display a delegated UI to create bugs.
- Create a service to accept a BugzillaChangeRequest via HTTP POST (sent from the delegated UI form) and create a new bug.
Adding the location of the delegated UI for creation to Service Providers
As with our delegated UI for selection, it's relatively easy to add the location of our delegated UI for creation to the various representations of service providers.
in the org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.bugzilla package and search for @OslcDialog
(not plural). You’ll see two occurrences: one near the top for the Selection Dialog and Query Capability and one farther down the Creation Dialog:
title = "Change Request Creation Dialog",
label = "Change Request Creation Dialog",
uri = "/{productId}/changeRequests/creator",
hintWidth = "600px",
hintHeight = "375px",
resourceTypes = {Constants.TYPE_CHANGE_REQUEST},
usages = {OslcConstants.OSLC_USAGE_DEFAULT}
With these annotations, OSLC4J handles the conversion of this information to XML or JSON for you – no additional templating required.
You can explore /src/main/webapp/cm/serviceprovider_html.jsp
to see how to add the links to the HTML representation of a Service Provider (under the Resource Creator Dialog heading).
With this enabled, we've defined that the dialog for creating new bugs will be at the following URL (assuming your adapter is running at localhost
and port 8080
Creating a bug from an OSLC BugzillaChangeRequest
Before we create the delegated dialog to create new bugs, we will need a server-side helper utility that can accept a BugzillaChangeRequest and use its information to create a new bug in Bugzilla.
in the org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.bugzilla
package and explore the contents.
This class contains several static utility methods for interacting with Bugzilla using the j2bugzilla library.
makes use extensive use of the methods in this class.
Locate the createBug()
method. We first retrieve bug properties from the passed BugzillaChangeRequest:
String summary = changeRequest.getTitle();
String component = changeRequest.getComponent();
String version = changeRequest.getVersion();
String operatingSystem = changeRequest.getOperatingSystem();
String platform = changeRequest.getPlatform();
String description = changeRequest.getDescription();
Next, if there are missing fields we set some defaults:
BugFactory factory = new BugFactory().newBug().setProduct(
if (summary != null) {
if (version != null) {
if (component != null) {
if (platform != null) {
} else
if (operatingSystem != null) {
} else
if (description != null) {
Finally, we call j2bugzilla's methods to create a bug:
Bug bug = factory.createBug();
ReportBug reportBug = new ReportBug(bug);
newBugId = Integer.toString(reportBug.getID());
And return the ID of the new bug:
return newBugId;
With that utility in place, we can now set up services for our application to serve up a delegated UI for a user to create a new bug.
Displaying the delegated UI to create new bugs
Retrieving valid field values from Bugzilla and dispatching a template
We will add another method to our BugzillaChangeRequestService class to create and display a delegated UI to create a new bug.
In our OSLC4J Bugzilla Adapter, open
and search for the changeRequestCreator()
As with many of our other methods, we first establish which Bugzilla product we're working with from the URI:
BugzillaConnector bc =
Product product = BugzillaManager.getProduct(httpServletRequest, productId);
httpServletRequest.setAttribute("product", product);
Next, we use the j2bugzilla GetLegalValues API to retrieve the allowed values for the various bug fields. Here's the code for retrieving the legal values for the Component field:
GetLegalValues getComponentValues =
new GetLegalValues("component", product.getID());
List<String> components = Arrays.asList(getComponentValues.getValues());
httpServletRequest.setAttribute("components", components);
We have similar code for the Operating System, Platform, and Version fields.
Finally, we set a few more attributes and dispatch them all to a .jsp template (/cm/changerequest_creator.jsp
httpServletRequest.setAttribute("creatorUri", uriInfo.getAbsolutePath().toString());
httpServletRequest.setAttribute("bugzillaUri", BugzillaManager.getBugzillaUri());
RequestDispatcher rd = httpServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher("/cm/changerequest_creator.jsp");
rd.forward(httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse);
Building the delegated UI to create new bugs
Now, open /src/main/webapp/cm/changerequest_creator.jsp
and explore the contents.
As with the delegated UI for selection, note the addition of bugzilla.js
in the <head>
that has a variety of script methods that we'll explore soon.
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../bugzilla.js"></script>
Next, explore the HTML table and form. We populate the various <select>
elements with the legal values that were passed in from the Java service. For example, here's the input for the Component field:
<select name="component">
for (String c : components) {
<option value="<%=c%>"><%=c%></option>
You'll see simliar code for the other fields. We also provide a free-form text <input>
for the Summary…
<input name="summary" class="required text_input"
type="text" style="width: 400px" id="summary" required autofocus>
… and a <textarea>
for the Description:
<textarea style="width: 400px; height: 150px;"
id="description" name="description"></textarea>
Finally, when you click the Submit Bug button we call the JavaScript function create()
(from the file src/main/webapp/bugzilla.js
<input type="button"
value="Submit Bug"
onclick="javascript: create( '<%= creatorUri %>' )">
We'll explore the create()
JavaScript method in more detail below.
Send the values for the new bug back to our adapter
Open bugzilla.js
and explore the create()
function create(baseUrl){
var form = document.getElementById("Create");
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && (xmlhttp.status==201)) {
txt = xmlhttp.responseText;
resp = eval('(' + txt + ')');
// Send response to listener
sendResponse(resp.title, resp.resource);
var postData="";
if (form.component) {
postData += "&component="+encodeURIComponent(form.component.value);
if (form.summary) {
postData += "&summary="+encodeURIComponent(form.summary.value);
if (form.version) {
postData += "&version="+encodeURIComponent(form.version.value);
if (form.op_sys) {
postData += "&op_sys="+encodeURIComponent(form.op_sys.value);
if (form.platform) {
postData += "&platform="+encodeURIComponent(form.platform.value);
if (form.description) {
postData += "&description="+encodeURIComponent(form.description.value);
}"POST", baseUrl, true);
This method takes the values from our form, converts them into URL query string parameters, and sends data via POST to the createHtmlChangeRequest()
method in our BugzillaChangeRequestService class via XMLHttpRequest()
To see how our adapter handles that POST request, open
and search for the createHtmlChangeRequest()
Note that this service expects an encoded URL via POST
at the same URL path as our delegated UI ("creator"
Our createHtmlChangeRequest()
first builds a BugzillaChangeRequest from the URL parameters:
BugzillaChangeRequest changeRequest = new BugzillaChangeRequest();
Then we use the createBug()
method from BugzillaManager (discussed above) to create a new bug in Bugzilla:
final String newBugId = BugzillaManager.createBug(httpServletRequest, changeRequest, productId);
With the bug created, we gather some information about our new bug…
final Bug newBug = BugzillaManager.getBugById(httpServletRequest, newBugId);
final BugzillaChangeRequest newChangeRequest = BugzillaChangeRequest.fromBug(newBug);
URI about = getAboutURI(productId + "/changeRequests/" + newBugId);
httpServletRequest.setAttribute("changeRequest", newChangeRequest);
httpServletRequest.setAttribute("changeRequestUri", newChangeRequest.getAbout().toString());
… and build a small JSON response to return.
httpServletResponse.addHeader("Location", newChangeRequest.getAbout().toString());
PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter();
out.print("{\"title\": \"" + getChangeRequestLinkLabel(newBug.getID(), summary) + "\"," +
"\"resource\" : \"" + about + "\"}");
Back in bugzilla.js
the onreadystatechange
callback evaluates that JSON response and uses the sendResponse()
method (discussed in more detail in the previous section) to send some information about the new bug back to the consumer application (re-copied from above):
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && (xmlhttp.status==201)) {
txt = xmlhttp.responseText;
resp = eval('(' + txt + ')');
// Send response to listener
sendResponse(resp.title, resp.resource);
We'll put this dialog to use in the NinaCRM application later on.
We now have the ability to use user interface delegation as a way to provide a simple way for consumer applications to both create and select bugs. We’ve also exposed this capability from our service provider resource definition.
Next, we'll explore how to make it easier for other applications to create new bugs programmatically.